wmánudagur, maí 09, 2005

The last weekend in the DJ booth

I was DJ-ing in Glaumbar last weekend. After this weekend I’ve gotten myself out of all booked gigs and checked out of the dj business. It is more than enough to be working for 365, doing an MBA degree along with doing a little freelance journalism which I hope I will be able to do more of now.

Looking back I’ve dj-ed in so many clubs in Iceland. I was counting them and they are:

Skothusid, Sjallinn, Tunglid, Hotel Island, Ingólfskaffi, Rosin, Klubburinn, Ozio, Siberia, Nashville, Nellys, Wunderbar, Mjolkurbarinn, Tetriz, Kapital, Astro, Skuggabar, Kjallarinn, Klaustrid, Spotlight, Þjóðleikhúskjallarinn, Café Victor, Fogetinn and these are the only ones can I remember!

I started playing 16 years old in Hotel Island after offering to play there for free. I was hired for about 650 ISK per hour. DJ-s in Reykjavik get almost 10 times more today. No more DJ-ing for me. :)

As promised, here and the Trendwatching.com Power Point slides.

By Gudmundur at
5/09/2005 10:14:00 e.h.

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